Psychometric Test
Psychometric Test
Psychometric test is an assessment test used to measure an
individual’s psychological abilities and inabilities. They are often used in the context of education, employment and other selection processes, to analyse a person’s suitability for a specific role or program.
It is important to note that while there are many benefits of Psychometric test questions measure, analyse, and report different aspects of human mind. It can also be used to profile mental health status, though it is widespread in its application for tapping and shaping personal, academic and professional growth of a person.
Advantages of Psychometric tests
analyse reports
stream selection
career guidance
We will guide class 11 th and 12 th students to select the stream in their academics and branch selection. If you are contemplating on skilling yourself and having confusion about the selection of branch or stream in engineering our reporting and evaluation system will give you an answer to the right branch of engineering for pursuing your education.
At Mount Mind, we ensure that we provide a detailed report of your assessment and our counsellors will provide the right guidance to plan your career path whether it is education or employment.