Terms of use

It is deemed understanding that while you are utilizing our services the general terms and conditions for all the services and specific terms and conditions for each or every service including value added services is applicable.

By registering or accesing or using the site, content or services you are bound by these terms of use.

If the data provided by you is incorrect, deficient, False, not current and fake, Mount Mind Private Limited has right to deny the services.

We do not have any option of cancellation of any service or services purchased or subscribed. Once a service has been purchased by you, we cannot provide any refund, either partially or fully.

In no event Mount Mind Private Limited be liable at risk to any user for direct or indirect loss, guarantee and obligation. The content in the website or services including but not limited to damages for loss of profits or Tangible or Intangible losses resulting from the use of powerlessness to use our services, regardless of whether Mount Mind Private Limited had been informed concerning the chance of such harms and paying little mind to the type of activity, whether in agreement, expressed or something else.

As a visitor, user, Registered user  of this website or any untilization of services of  Mount Mind Private Limited you agree to protect, fully compensate and indemnify Mount Mind promoters, Directors, Share Holders, Management, Staff and its Domain associates, Such as service providers and technology partners from any third party claims, liabilities, damages, expenses and costs including but not limited to all legal expenses, arising from your use of services on this domain, your violation of the terms or your infringement by any other use of your account, of any intellectual property or other rights of anyone.

Terms and Conditions applicable to the university, course, program and country including visa norms and conditions will be applicable to you including any specific Terms and Conditions as applicable in case of study overseas.

By agreeing and confirming in writing to utilize the services or any service of  Mount Mind Private Limited. You are bound by the policies, code of ethics, terms of use and terms and conditions of Mount Mind Private Limited.

If you do not comply with any of the Terms and Conditions of Mount Mind Private Limited its policies, code of ethics, Terms and Conditions you are free to leave the site.

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